Tustin Legacy Master Plan

Tustin, California

A vibrant community transformation.

  • CLIENT Legacy Partners
  • COMPLETION DATE Conceptual Planning Studies
  • UNITS 3,000

Naval Air Station Santa Ana, established in 1942 and known as the “Lighter Than Airbase,” is renowned for its two iconic blimp hangars in Southern California. Although the base closed in the early 90s, its architectural significance endured, influencing the development of Orange County’s central landscape. Tragically, one of the hangars was lost to fire, but the surviving hangar continues to be a prominent feature in the master plan developed over the past thirty years.


Next to the established entertainment district lies a tract of undeveloped land. Originally intended for a 6-acre apartment project, the plans evolved to encompass over 50 acres of mixed-use housing typologies. Numerous visioning initiatives were undertaken to enhance circulation, create a sense of place, and develop an iconic design that integrates with the existing context. The current and proposed road framework and park system present both opportunities and challenges. Scenarios and massing studies focused on transforming the automobile-centric design into a pedestrian-friendly environment that complements the proposed park system.


The final master plan introduces up to 3,000 units in various product typologies and massing scenarios. The mix of product types, placement of community-serving retail, parks, and pedestrian connectivity establish a vibrant center for the Tustin Legacy Master Plan.