Veterans Village at San Antonio Drive

Norwalk, California

Affordable housing for veterans and their families.

  • CLIENT Mercy Housing California
  • UNITS 60

Veterans Villas at San Antonio Drive provides much needed housing for 59 families in a combination of 1 bedroom, 2 bedroom, and 3 bedroom units. 20 of the units are set aside for homeless veterans and their families solely. In addition, there is a unit strictly dedicated for an on-site property manager. Combination of indoor and outdoor community areas are provided for the residents, including play areas for children of various ages. The large outdoor courtyard is designed adjacent to the indoor community room and laundry room to provide supervision of the children. On site offices are located on the ground floor for operating staff, dedicating their time to help the veterans and their families. The site is surrounded by single family homes to the west and south of the project. The taller portion of the building is strategically located to respect the privacy of these neighboring single family homes. The project complies with all applicable accessible standards.